Last change September, 22.2005 Copyright Hans Hehl

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All work on the G requires special knowledge, competency, special tools and the strength to not overestimate your own abilities, or better go to the service dealer for repair or maintenance. This I did and used a mechanic service to replace gearbox and clutch. All information here at the best knowledge, but without guarantee! Data is for 240GD My 10/1979, BM 46031017000518

2. Tip: derust and conserve

new: Ductor

milling cutter tungsten carbide ductor tungsten carbide ductor chemical rust primer primer conservation Fluidfilm-conservation
Rust is a special problem when in Wintertime Salt is used to clear the roads

More then 22 years expierience with the G:

1. prevention:

a) Wash the car in wintertime, as much as you can, espacially from the underneath.

b) Spray Wax on the underbody area

c) Use Stainless steel for Screws etc.

d) New: Fluidfilm-Conservation in test! see Fa. HODT,
2. Removal:

a) with milling tool (cutter):

Use a high speed milling cutter to remove the brown spots (Corrosion) until you see the bare metal. I use a AEG GS400 grinder with 27500 RPM's and some used cutters. These cannot get stucked in the metal.

Protect your eyes!
used cutter
b) with ductor

A different method is to use a ductor. It should be made from tungsten carbide. Very useful are the cutting plates of the glas cutters that are used in a chemical lab . You can get them as spare parts. A gripper holds the small plate that has round and straight edges. With this you can remove rust perfectly..
tungsten carbide ductor tungsten carbide ductor
Perfect are the ductors for derusting the springs, because here not much material should be removed and the surface should be smooth. rear spring
3. Remove Rust grains:

Than the very tiny (microscope level) grains need to be protected. You can use a chemical rust primer for instance Epoxy Brunox, Fa. Brunox GmbH, 85001 Ingolstadt
This is a primer that changes rust back into metal and has a primer on board. At the reaction with Iron a steelblue film is prodcued that will harden the surface.Unfortunately the film isn't watertight, so that Aceton can remove this film and you have to polish this with grind.But the grains are protected.
Also Sandblasting without chemical rust protection is not good enough, because the pores will keep the rust.
chemical rust primer
4. Praiming / Paint

Continue with a 2 C Primer for instance Spies/Hecker, Permacron 4:1 Haftgrund braun, Nr. 8583 (Härter 9520 2K-Polyester-System) primer and (slightly grinding for better adhesive) After short waiting time you can use the color you like. See the website Spies Hecker international
5. further information:

good German forum with good tricks for derusting:

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